Residency in Spain

Residency in Spain Planning to move to Spain permanently? You could choose to become a Spanish resident.

Here we outline what residency means and how you can apply.

Residency in Spain after Brexit

UK citizens can spend up to three months in a six month period in Spain without a visa – however if you want to spend more time in the country you will need to apply for a visa and residency.

Types of Visa

You can find out more about which visa might be right for you below:

How to get a residency card in Spain

Once you have a visa, you will need to apply for a TIE (Tarjeta de Identificacion Extranjeros) residency card within a month of arriving in Spain. This card (commonly known as a foreigner's identity card) was introduced in July 2020. 

You can apply for TIE online through a legal representative or a lawyer, or you can apply in person the Foreigners Office in the province you'll be living in.

When you're applying for residency you will need to prove that you are financially self-sufficient. This means you will need to have evidence of funds in your Spanish bank account - the minimum amount varies from area to area, but this typically ranges between €6,000 and €9,000.

Once your application has been approved, you'll need to arrange an appointment with a police station that deals with residency applications within your province.

After, you'll be notified by email within a month to attend a collection appointment where your TIE card will be issued.

As well as applying for your TIE, to secure your residency you will also need to register with the Padron in your local area.

How to become a permanent resident in Spain

After 5 consecutive years living in Spain you will be able to apply for permanent residency.