February 2012

Property in Murcia being sold at ‘pre- boom prices’

Property in Murcia is being sold at 'pre boom prices' according to one local agent.

10 February 2012

10% pay rise could tempt half of workers abroad

Almost 50% of those polled by market research company Ipsos would consider relocating their job abroad if offered a 10% pay rise.

9 February 2012

Mini boom for property in the French alps

While we may moan about snow disruption in England, it seems that the hunt for the white stuff is driving a mini boom in the French Alps, where property sales figures have trebled in the last year.

9 February 2012

Italian property being sold below market value

Now is the time to buy property in Italy, according to many of the country's agents, who are seeing homes in the country being sold at below market value.

9 February 2012

Portugal considers new airport

Overseas property owners with property in Portugal may find it easier to reach their holiday homes after the Portuguese Ministry for Economy and Employment announced they are considering making the recently completed airport at Beja a hub for low-cost carriers.

8 February 2012

Overseas investors seeking emerging Parisian districts

Overseas property investors are increasingly looking to 'up and coming' Parisian districts in order to find the best opportunities, with Thomas Elisian of luxury real estate agency Paris Attitude Vente stating that buyers are "increasingly willing to look at 'newer' neighbourhoods if they can get an advantageous deal".

8 February 2012

US mortgage giant plans massive auction of foreclosure properties

America's Federal Housing Finance Agency has approved a giant residential real-estate auction at Fannie Mae (the Federal National Mortgage Association) to help the mortgage giant unload its inventory of 122,616 foreclosed houses.

7 February 2012

Robotic estate agents being developed for house viewings

Boffins at the elite “Personal Robotics Group” at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), are working on developing a “highly expressive humanoid” robot which would guide potential house hunters around a property for sale, pointing out its amenities.

7 February 2012

Uncertain times sharpen appetite for sound advice

Despite the uncertain outlook affecting both sides of the Channel in terms of economic growth, house prices and exchange rates 2012 looks set to see a further steady stream of UK residents, particularly those of retirement age, heading for a new life in France.

7 February 2012
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