Financial stability the most important factor for expats

Financial stability the most important factor for expats

Financial stability is the most important factor for expats living overseas according to the findings of a global study.

61% of expats surveyed by TD Global Investor Confidence Survey said that having money gave them the most confidence about their lives abroad, while 57% gave health as a reason and having good friends was important to 48%.

“Moving abroad, whether it is for a short period of time or to start a new life, can be an adventure although it is not something to be taken lightly” said Annemarie Jung, chief executive officer of Internaxx Bank, a TD Company servicing international and expat investors.

“So it is understandable that expats would want to ensure they are financially secure and healthy if they are to make such a life changing decision. But even though their current financial status is clearly important they also have an eye on the future. While some expats say they don't worry about having enough money, the majority are keen to see that their financial future is secure, placing most importance on ensuring they have saved enough for their retirement” she added.

Read our top ten tips for managing your finances abroad


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