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Novusmed – Mediação imobiliária, Lda, is licensed by IMPIC (Institute of Public Real Estate and Construction Markets) under License AMI No. 4506.

We have 5 topmost philosophies:

- Honesty / Sincerity in the information provided; - Quality of our services; - Respect for our customers; - Commitment to helping our customers; - Confidence to maintain a future relationship.

The 20 years of business have provided Novusmed and the entire team with an in-depth knowledge of the real estate market, which is an essential factor in providing a real estate service of excellence.

The vast experience gained by all our team, supported with a digital toolset, allows us to always find the best real estate solution for the needs of all who seek us, through a quality, efficient and secure service. In a real estate transaction, this is the only way to guarantee the complete satisfaction of a buyer or a seller.

In the conclusion of a real estate deal we take care in ensuring that it is excellent for all parties, so we build and keep customer loyalty.

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