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French Properties Direct Ltd

French Properties Direct is a specialist property marketing company which advertises property for sale on behalf of the seller, who pays a small fee to use our services. We offer a cost effective and professional way for a vendor to market their house privately and in this way can reduce the transaction costs of a house sale in France by many thousands of euros, benefitting both buyer and seller. If you are looking for a property in France please go to our listings where you will be able to search for the house, apartment or land you seek. You can also register with us and receive alerts whenever suitable properties come onto the market. If you would like further information about any of the properties you see, or would like to visit one, we will put you in contact with the owner who is the person best placed to answer any questions you may have. As a buyer you pay us nothing to use our services. Our web site’s info pages will assist you through the practicalities and legalities of property transactions in France with regular updates via our blog and ‘latest news’ window. We also provide links to other organisations or web sites which can provide additional services or advice about buying or selling a house and living in France.

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