Emigrate to Canada, Australia and NZ!

Emigrate to Canada, Australia and NZ!

We might already be in February but that doesn't mean it's too late to make a life-changing decision for 2016. With thousands of Brits already on foreign shores in search of sun, fun and work, now seems the perfect time to introduce our three new emigration guides to Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

These three destinations are some of the most popular for British expats - perhaps because of their cultural (and linguistic) similarities, stunning natural beauty, excellent lifestyle and happiness ratings or maybe just for the weather!

Whether it's the call of the outback, the majestic Rockies or the set of the Lord of the Rings that takes your fancy, our emigration guides are must reads.

We talk you through the daunting prospect of visa applications, as well as gaps in the job market, where to live and work and plenty of other handy tips.


A Place In The Sun