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Viking Real Estate

The team at Viking Real Estate are more than real estate agents looking for real estate listings. We are a dedicated team of truly passionate, property professionals who understand our clients’ needs and wants. When making property decisions that impact your family now and in the future, you need a Premium property partner. We understand that your home is an important part of your life, it houses your family, it’s where memories are made and it provides for your future. For many years Viking Real Estate has been building a wealth of experience and knowledge in the high-value property market.


Integrity – Our agents will always provide you with honest, carefully considered advice. We will ensure you are in the best possible position to make clear decisions. Your success is our main driver.

Professionalism – Luxury real estate is our passion and it demands our focus. We strive to provide a high level of personalized service, whether you are a vendor or a potential purchaser.

Expertise – Service and integrity supported by commercial expertise is where Premium Real Estate stands apart. A depth of local knowledge and eye for opportunities, we are your property partner

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